Monday, October 10, 2011

The Value of Interior Design & Its Connectivity to Me

Interior Design is something more to me than just selecting furniture and paint colors. it’s choosing where walls will be placed, ADA specifying in any public area, selecting correct flooring for the function of each area of space within a building, making sure that the safety of every person that walks in to a space is in careful consideration, making sure that the function of each area is clear and easily accessible and that every space has well circulation throughout. When people who have no idea what Interior Design is, this is what I tell them. it makes me mad to think that the a-typical housewife wants to call herself an Interior Designer instead of what she actually is which is a DECORATOR by trying to take my title that one day soon will have. She has no idea what code is, or how to spec carpets, acoustics, and textiles and so on. Not to mention she has not taken four years of education, including an internship as well as having two years of field experience before she can even take the exam. I think that interior design is a very important factor in how a space will function overall. Choosing the right colors and furniture only assist in this process. Giving each space a specific function and making it clear through furniture selection, colors, door selection, and window treatment and so make it easy for the user to identify what they are there to do. Interior design is not just about color selection it also has to do with moving anything inside a building that is not structural. It’s about allowing the user to do what they came there to do without having the distraction of the space they are in.
All my life I had grown up saying that I was going to become a lawyer, suddenly thinking of changing my life career plan was a little freighting for me. My career adviser suggested taking some art classes on campus and seeing whether I enjoyed them or not. I took a drawing and oil painting class and really enjoyed it, but it wasn’t until I took an art history class that I really fell in love with interior design. Looking at all these historical and architectural buildings and seeing how even back in the 1200’s, 400’s B.C., 1600’s and so on, they were thinking of functionality of the spaces they were building. The ancient Romans built in a way so that they could keep expanding onto their existing buildings for whatever reason they needed the extra space for. I then looked into an architecture degree, upon doing this I came across Interior Design and loved the potential I could have in shaping a space to multiple different functions based on materials. Being in the program at the Art Institute for the last fifteen months has only reassured me that I am right where I am supposed to be.
Although I think highly of Interior Designers, as seeing that I am soon to be one, the profession is not valued as highly as I wish it was. Some, not all, architects don’t really see the difference in what we do. But if you have ever seen an interior of an architect versus an interior designer there is a complete difference. Interior Designers know how take a space and give it maximum functionality. Interior Design is not that valued in the state of Florida by people who are outside the professional. Through recent deregulation issues, it almost gave designers currently in the field a hard time in sealing their own designs in which they are highly capable of doing according to the NCIDQ. Fortunately some highly educated individuals saw the evil in the people trying to push this deregulation, and stopped it from happening. Thank you to those people who helped in doing this, you are much appreciated!

-Steve Jobs

1 comment:

  1. The content throughout your entire blog was very solid and well supported. I enjoyed that you related the blog to your past learning experiences and how you came to choose interior design as your future profession. You also had very good supporting background information of the profession which i feel will help readers who don’t know very much about Interior Design as a profession.
